How many of you clicked on this post because it said free stuff even without any assurances as to what this free stuff might be? Hopefully this demonstrates how people are attracted to anything that is free. Curiously people are more attracted to something labelled "free stuff" than "free CD" or "free flyer" because once they know what it is that is free they are more likely to reject it so if your aim is to get your product into as many hands as possible, label it free stuff. This also can work online. Once they have it in their hands or have clicked on the link then you have a chance to make a fan! I saw this in action when a friend of mine tried to give away gig flyers and when he said "name of the band gig flyers" he got little interest but by changing it to "free stuff" almost everyone had a look.
However, and its a big however, this kind of marketing is not directed at the kind of person who is more likely to enjoy your music because it is aimed at everyone so don't expect amazing results. Selective marketing is better, always think who your target audience is and how to reach them. Perhaps a better way to use "free stuff" is when you want to get as many fans as possible on, for example, your mailing list, interested in something
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